Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gadget review

This week I played with some interesting online gadget and apps that could assist in work and personal activities.
The first gadget I will review is the calendar app at Zoho. I have been looking for a calendar app that will assist me in streamlining my schedule. I have an extremely busy 6 months or so coming up with a variety of deadlines. I also need to coordinate this schedule with different people. Everyone does not need to know every appointment and every deadline but there is some overlap. This is actually the situation that has finally caused me to accept the fact that I must truly begin to integrate the technology available into my everyday life. Otherwise I will be printing off dozens of pieces of paper, creating too many files to track, and generally have more difficulty organizing and maintaining my busy schedule.

This calendar app will generally fit the bill for my needs. It allows me to easily create events over multiple months. It synced with the ical app on my laptop and all calendars are exportable (if that's a word) to others with the use of the url. It has many features and other Zoho apps coordinate with it. These apps include both personal and business uses. I did find the site a little difficult to navigate and had to back track several times to create the calendar and look I wanted. I did not see the ability to search in the help section or anywhere for that matter. This would be an extremely helpful item for me.

The second gadget I played with was Fotoflexer. This seems to be a really fun app. It offers many options for editing photos, many more than any standard picture program I have worked with at least. Options available include:
Basic - just what it says - cropping, basic color editing...
Effects - includes retro, blur edges, cartoon, film grain...probably over 20 different options
Decorate - includes stickers, text, borders, grab color (this was a super nifty option that takes the color from the photo and allows you to use it elsewhere)
Animations -  adding in animated stars, lovies, and stickers
Beautify - fix blemishes and smooth wrinkles! Yes I gave my Facebook picture a facelift just to see - was quite fun!
Distort - includes twirl, bulge, stretch
Layers - includes opacity, duplicate
Geek - I would have to spend some time to understand these options - smart scissors, smart color...

I would definitely use this site again. I can see uses for personal - making cards, invitations, announcements; as well as work - creating visual aids, making programs, reports and presentations.

All in all a good assignment. I'm looking forward to working with these tools!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Google Sites

Program information site

This week I had to create a website! I'll admit to feeling slightly uncreative and a little frustrated by the process. I certainly will not be making any money in the website design field anytime soon!

My site was created to be an information resource for teachers, staff and parents concerning our upcoming spring music program. This is a big deal at our school and quite the celebrated event! This is a basic design that probably will not be used in reality. Unfortunately there are several steps to go through in order to actually implement this sort of thing in my organization. Here I have created the basics and will explain what I might also add to the site if  I was allowed to do so.

Page one is the general info page. A three month calendar gadget is perfect because this is about how much time the whole school is aware of program preparation. Of course I am preparing much earlier, and in future sites could easily provide updates throughout the year. I would love to begin with my earliest ideas and allow staff, student and even parent input!

Page two lists the actual program and a countdown gadget to the day. Again this could be utilized during the year as adjustments are made to the program. Often I will tentatively plan to use certain songs but then a class or a student will really shine with something new and/or unexpected so I will adjust the program accordingly.

Page three deals with specifics that classrooms will need to know. I send out emails and usually paper memos but these things get lost of overlooked. Having a webpage would be a great resource for this type of information. Classes could also provide feedback and ask questions as needed.

As our organization begins to implement technology I can see this tool being a great platform for our students to interact with the internet. I would love to add pictures of students actually practicing and provide updates on props and set design. It would be helpful to take it truly public to serve as promotion of for the program. I will definitely keep this tool in mind for next year and see if I can make a go of it "officially" with my organization!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Concept Map

This week I developed a concept map for a music class I might do with either my older elementary or middle school EI students. I will admit it was a little difficult because we spend a lot of time with picture communication or symbolic communication in what we do. However, I did like the idea of creating an overall picture of the project as a point of reference for my students. To have a diagram like this could be useful in providing a place to look back and check work; to make sure we are on task and completing the necessary steps to successfully do the activity. I chose to do a song-writing task and have organized the map with the two major divisions in the task - music and lyrics. We would first discuss the song topic - this may be a title, a theme, or even a style the student would like to use. The first main component of our writing would be music, which includes the rhythm or beat of the song; harmony, which involves the chords; and melody, which provides music for the lyrics. The second main component is the words. This side is divided between the chorus, which repeats a main idea several times; and verse, which generally is the part of the song that tells the story. I would use the map as a reference point throughout the lesson, drawing students' attention back to check for all aspects of the song, to problem solve when having difficulty generating ideas, and to assess the final product.
I do like how the concept map provides a picture of how complicated the process of writing a song might be. Just be looking at it I realize that I may need to put more effort into developing the musical portion of my song because there seems to be more parts to it. I also can see how the chorus is a simpler portion of the words. I would probably want to start with that to get my process started. Seeing the longer chain for the verses might encourage me to think about my story and how I will develop it over the course of the song.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


ooThis week's project was more fun than I anticipated - and easier as well. My screencast shows use of an app for my computer that creates music with use of a grid and the four elements: earth, wind, water, and fire. It is simple to use and provides a great experience for my students. In addition to just having fun using the computer and engaging in a successful and productive activity, students practice attention, patience, listening, and executive function when participating in this task. I could use this screencast to assess a student's ability to follow directions or to provide a short activity for the classroom if I was unavailable.


Side note: I redid my original screencast. The first one was very large and I couldn't upload it. What you have here is the shortened version. I would provide a short example for the student  before having them create their own. I also would record the projects so each student could listen to their own a well as their classmates' and talk about the differences in each. We also could discuss what sounds they enjoyed the most and why.
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Maps and more

This week I am making a Google Map and creating an assignment with it! My assignment is for hypothetical students, as my students would not complete an assignment like this. My idea for this lesson comes from the problem I noticed with many of my older EI students. When we would talk about current music and artists they seemed to have little to no idea about anything outside their realm of existence. This idea is to partly address that issue and hopefully provide a broader world view for them. One of the things we have talked about is how different people, places, and things influence and affect the music we listen to and the musicians we enjoy.  My assignment idea is to have students locate people around the country that they know and make music. This might involve Facebook contacts, family, friends who have moved away, and people they have heard of. Another addition might be places where famous musicians grew up or went to school.
My map includes several people I know via Facebook and LinkedIn, who are either directly involved in making music or have kids in school music programs. Follow up to this lesson might include finding out what exactly these people are doing with music, sharing songs and concert dates, or talking about what might influence the music based on location.

View Who's Making Music? in a larger map

The second part of our assignment was to look at some of the business uses for Instructional Technology and discuss how they could work for me. One section that caught my attention was when talking about Project Managers and Instructional Designers. I could see the teacher as the project manager - solely responsible for all the aspects of instruction: planning, developing, teaching, assessing...It occurred to me that if Instructional Designers could take on some of that responsibility the teachers might be freed up to give students more attention therefor making their jobs more fulfilling and effective. A second area I think I see coming to education is the "better, faster, cheaper" idea. It seems to me the business model is fast approaching education and I think we would be wise to jump on the bandwagon - it may be what saves education. It will change the way we think about evaluation, budgets, accountability; maybe all aspects of education. In the long run however, it may allow us to continue to do what we do. Just utilizing web-based training could save time and money, and provide a challenge for designers to provide high quality instruction.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Podcasts and HPI

     Our task this week was to find and report on an educational podcast. I was surprised to enjoy this assignment because I am a "music in the car" kind of girl - but - I really enjoyed listening to several episodes of BAM radio network's "K-12 greatest hits: the best ideas in education." I found it by searching for "education" under podcasts on iTunes. You can search by the title to find it specifically. It is a great collection of topics and each episode is under 15 minutes. Some of the topics covered in the episodes I heard included: leadership, finance, behavior, early childhood, and personal teacher development such as decision fatigue, professionalism. I could actually see myself continuing as a subscriber and listening on a weekly basis.
     I'm not sure how I would use podcasting in my job. I do think, much along the lines of some of the other technologies we have explored, I could use a podcast as a way to link up with other music therapists and share sessions. Because my field is an auditory one, I could envision using the technology to record and broadcast a set of sessions with a particular goal, for example: working with a specific speech and language goal using music. Maybe by connecting with other therapists we could record a session and then a discussion of the technique and the results. It would be interesting to try.

Human Performance Improvement
      Part two of our assignment is exciting to me. Hopefully I can avoid my soapbox here, but this is something needed in education in my opinion, and I think it's coming (or is here already) anyway. Education feels more like a business environment all the time and because we are a public entity, the public wants to get the most bang for their buck. I did not realize such a field as HPI actually existed but I welcome it. Our organization is currently under review by the Future's Group. This is consulting group made up of past education professionals that comes into your organization and reviews it from the top down. They take tours, visit programs, interview staff, and make cost cutting and efficiency recommendations. It has been a stressful season to say the least, mostly because people naturally expect the worst and we already feel we are as cost effective as we can possibly be. I have been all over people trying to encourage them to promote  themselves and what they do; and to look at this as an opportunity to show what creative programs we do have. To me, the idea of human capitol is what we need to be emphasizing here. We can no longer say that everything is fine and what we do still works. I say if there is a more cost effective way let's find it before someone else does!  Of course one key to it working well is for administration and employees to be able to work together. This seems to be very difficult in the education realm. I have been union president for the last 2 years, a role I will not continue, and I believe major changes on both sides need to occur to truly take public education to a better place. HPI could be a way to keep public education alive and kicking but it requires a change in thinking on both sides of the aisle. I think it's worth exploring and pursuing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Embedded items

This week we have to embed several items into our blog. I think I may have done some of this before so hopefully it will be an easy assignment! (insert hope here)  Let's begin with an image:

Snoopy is often my muse so it's only appropriate to use his pic here!

Simple if it works correctly! Next is a video. I was torn between a clip from Cheers I recently used with a student. We are working on a power point presentation of Kelly Clarkson that he will present to various classes using switch technology. We created the power point utilizing alternative communication and Tony will run the power point with technology that allows him to change slides by activating a switch with his head. Tony has very limited physical abilities but has a great sense of humor and communicates with adapted devices very well. He particularly enjoyed this clip of "The Kelly Song."

On the other hand a proud mom always like to show off! My son marches for "The Big Red Machine" and if I do say so myself - they are pretty great!
The Big Red Machine

He plays trombone, by the way...

Finally - Google Maps
View Larger Map

I'll be traveling to Paris this June with above mentioned son and his French class! This is a life long dream of mine and we are very excited! Plane trip aside, it should be a fantastic adventure.

Okay - time to see if all this works...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 5 photo week

This week's assignment was interesting. I enjoyed reading the chapter and dealing with the scenario for our assignment. I think this type of circumstance will become more common and the better we get at dealing with it the better off we will be.

As for the photo sites: flickr was pretty easy to set up. I used to have a photo bucket account years ago but that one was no longer active...again my lack of keeping up with technology proves troublesome for me! I hope to utilize my photo account more regularly; I have a habit of taking pictures but never doing anything with them. It is easy to lose pictures when you operate that way.

my flickr account

The writing assignment involved a scenario where technology was provided for a 7th grade class, both at school and at home. I had to speculate why it might not have influenced teaching interventions and how to remediate the problem. The following is my solution...

In this scenario some obvious possibilities for minimal effect on instruction exist. First of all there may not have been enough training, for teachers and students and possibly parents, to make the experiment a success. It could be that this program was simply “announced” and put into place without input from the people involved and there may not have been any specific guidance as to what was supposed to happen with the technology. Perhaps the teachers were not encouraged to use the computers innovatively but they simply became another tool to complete homework or write papers. Secondly, I could see from a home view, the use of these computers being considered supplementary or a great opportunity to have internet for a year. While the use could have been limited by policy, it is easy for the internet and computers to become a leisure experience rather than an educational tool. Parents and students without motivation or knowledge of the potential for learning may not be able to utilize laptops and internet access for this goal; and if the work was not getting done in the home setting, the teachers would need to continue using a more traditional method of instruction. Finally, and more than likely, a problem could occur in the resistance of the people involved to the intervention.  Throughout the chapter “resistance to change” is mentioned in nearly all the scenarios. In this case it appears to be a “top down” change and the teachers may not buy in for that reason. There also seems to be a concern about teachers being replaced by technology and naturally they would resist embracing increased use of technology if they felt their jobs were being threatened.

I feel the main issue that needs to be addressed in this scenario is the resistance to change. The first way I would remediate that is with some advanced planning and making sure that all participants understood the vision as much as possible. I think change and integration of technology is inevitable and at some point we all are going to have to accept that to a certain degree. That doesn’t mean that we should just throw people in to the mix without preparation. The teachers in the example probably have various degrees of computer skills and if their skills were on the low side and they did not have adequate training, they would naturally default to a comfort zone. In addition, I feel the families involved would need some serious training and would also need to buy in to the experiment. It may be better to ask families to participate and involve those that can and will commit to the idea, at least initially. Perhaps if the first year was successful for those who participated then a more extensive project could be launched for subsequent years. I definitely think, with technology, slow and steady change is going to be better accepted and more successful for most people. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week4 - Delicious!

We are into week four and finally utilizing a tool with which I have some experience...that being said I had some adjusting to do. When I first used Delicious a year or so ago, I downloaded the buttons that stayed on my browser. When Delicious changed things a while ago, I didn't bother to follow up with it so I basically had to start over. Apparently I didn't use it as much as I thought I would!

I don't know about the value of using Delicious in education. I suppose it lends itself to many of the tasks we have already mentioned - networking between coworkers or professionals, class projects, developing networks for students. At this point I think it boils down to which tool you like and with one is easiest for you to use. One advantage to Delicious is that students and teachers may find themselves using various computers and devices that access the internet. Having your bookmarks available at any given time may be very convenient and a time saver. For me, Delicious falls somewhere between RSS feeds and Wiki. I am more likely to use it than RSS because it is my own bookmarks and they can be organized in a way that makes it convenient to use. I think I would lean toward the Wiki for networking, planning, and group work however. It just seems like a better platform for me.

My Delicious

The Trends and Issues chapter was very interesting to me as I hadn't really thought about Educational Design and Technology as a career. My focus has always been on what is available to me and who can teach me to use it correctly! In many ways the chapter reminded me of my own struggle to define my vocation,  Music Therapy, and define it for others. When a field is relatively young I think definitions change and evolve frequently as it seems this one has. As you gain experience you realize the potential and the influence of your profession and naturally seek to define it more clearly. This seems to be the path of Ed Tech according to this chapter. I must confess that when looking at this topic I expected to explore various programs and types of technology (computer, iPad, communication devices...) and didn't think along the lines of designing learning strategies and assisting learners. I also like that the definition opens the field to all types of learners, specifically with a focus on workplace learning. In our organization we talk about creating "life long learners" and technology is important along the entire spectrum of learning.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I think I missed Web 1.0!

Week three and the assignment is Web 2.0 and Wiki pages. I guess I've heard the term Web 2.0 but never really bothered to find out what it meant. I honestly did not know the true background of the web and how it has evolved over the years. Also seeing that this article (What Is Web 2.0, Tim O'Reilly) was written in 2005, I find myself wondering if I'm actually trying to learn Web 3.0...

After reading the article I looked back at the initial chart that listed 1.0 on one side and 2.0 on the other. I think it is a good descriptive example of how things have changed from the web as storage of information from which I can research and draw out items I need to the web that ebbs and flows with me and my needs. This web we have now follows me and adapts to my preferences, experiences, and inquiries. This may be a bit "big brother" and privacy will always be a concern, but it does make for more productive time on the internet and honestly make the internet easier to use. I am also much more familiar with the Web 2.0 terms than 1.0, which tells me that the web has become more user friendly to some degree. So it seems the web itself must grow and stretch to accommodate its new users as much as users must adapt to the increase in the use of technology.

By the way - I thought the initial video was a great visual for the concept of how the web has changed, both in appearance and function. Honestly, it probably did more to help me understand the concept than the article!

Wikis - I had heard of Wikis and, in fact, our Young Adult program has used one for a couple years now. I probably would never have investigated them on my own without this class. I can definitely see possibilities here for me in my job. I work in Special Ed in a center-based school. I have often wanted to reach out to other music programs and share ideas and information. I think my students could create a "Music Wiki" and each class could contribute ideas, pictures, and thoughts. Then we would have a platform for connecting with other students from all walks of life and in this way we expand our awareness of the world around us and learn about and utilize the technology that is becoming such a big part of our life.

I also like the potential for Wiki as a professional networking tool. As a music therapist I am the only professional in my entire county. Even in my building we have 2 occupational therapists, 2 physical therapists, 2 speech therapists...this is a common set-up for music therapists in education. A Wiki would be a great tool to get some much needed peer interaction and professional support, again also immersing us in technology and keeping us up to date.

I'm now attempting to link this blog to my Wiki page - be warned I may need to come back and edit this post at any given time!

Wiki front page

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week Two - Where's the RSS button?

This week's articles were interesting and good food for thought. I'll figure out the RSS thing later but I'll try to get my thoughts down now. Let's call this part one!

Early impressions: I think a blog could be a useful tool. Of course many people use blogs and have used them for a long time. I have two other blogs that I've has one post and one has three! That being said, given how students take to technology, a blog might be a great way to motivate writing for students that avoid the task as much as possible. It's also an excellent way to disseminate information and see/hear what others are thinking/doing on any given topic. The RSS feed seems like it could be useful as well - sort of like a bookmark system for things I want to read and discover. I had some difficulty setting it up however, I guess I want more directions than I saw on the screen in front of me. Honestly, outside of this class, I'm not sure how much I would use Google Reader, I don't tend to do a lot of browsing.

As far as where does all this fit into the Cone of Experience: While I see computer technology and the internet in general being like a television medium - lots of creative potential, covers all periods of time, can show details of events you might not otherwise experience; the specific tools we are using seem to fall into the radio, recordings, and still picture level and above. Obviously with a blog we are using the written word, verbal symbols. I imagine that the different feeds I will follow will mainly be written information, however if I pursue areas of interest I may find videos, demonstrations, and possibly even something similar to a contrived experience. I may also be inspired to go on a study trip or see an exhibit. In many ways then, this is an example of technology opening up many avenues of learning for me - or my students.

Finally in regards to computer imagination - I believe any medium has the potential for creative and imaginative use. I could see using a blog as a kind of internet pen pal system. This allows students from very different places and experiences to communicate and exchange information. In addition, the process of creating a blog gives ample opportunity for creativity on the part of the blogger, including layouts, colors, pictures, links, etc. Taken all together it might be a way to encourage writing that appeals to students who dislike the actual task of writing. (I have a 14 year old with this issue!) While he doesn't enjoy the process, both organizationally and physically, of writing; a format that allows him to work creatively might motivate him to spend more time and advance in the skill.

RSS feeds I feel are a little more difficult to design imaginatively. This may be because I don't have tendency to "surf the net" and don't foresee myself using them that much. The system reminds me of the Delicious system I used a year ago. It was fun to set it up and I did use it occasionally to find a website I had been using, but overall I didn't utilize it often. I do think perhaps the RSS feed could be a good tool for people who were learning to use the internet however. In this age of technology many people, primarily adults, have difficulty making the transition to using the internet. I know many people who voice fears about banking online, using credit cards online, or being online in general. They talk about confusion and frustration frequently and often end up giving up on the idea. I think as people are more and more required to make the transition from paper and pen to computer and RSS feed could assist in introducing them and guiding them through the basics of internet use. They would be able to compare notes with other people and hear (or read) first hand what has and hasn't worked. Best of all, it is all in one place so very little need to search around for it and maybe end up somewhere they don't want to be. This would be a convenient and safe way to introduce people to the convenience and potential that the internet holds for them.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Time for a paradigm shift?

Okay - so I'm not sure who will read this so here is some background. I just read two articles for a graduate class I am taking at Western Michigan University. The class is looking at educational technology and the articles were kind of a for and against technology in education forum. You should probably know that I am notorious for seeing both sides of a story and sometimes have difficulty picking sides for that reason. I think there's always some merit in an opinion or philosophy if it has been studied and communicated effectively. That being said, I think I am on the side of using technology as much as possible at this particular moment. Following is a breakdown of the articles and my thoughts on each.

Article one:

Of Luddites, Learning, and Life, Neil Postman

In general this article is skeptical and cautious about embracing technology in education. The author is very careful to pose the question "What is the problem to which _______ is the answer?" A very good question to ask. Too often we simply accept something just because and expert somewhere says it's so or because a celebrity or authority figure has endorsed it. It can never hurt to look at a problem or situation and question it. My position? Agree on the concept and endorse checking out the "problems" in education.

A second point that stands out to me is the author's assertion that a primary function of education is to teach children how to behave in groupsI think this ends up being the primary function – but probably shouldn’t be. This should be an outcome maybe of participating in schooling. If you have ever been around someone who doesn’t value education/knowledge, you will understand. There is basic information, skills, and tasks that we all need such as reading…these are the things that can also be supplemented by technology. Different ways to teach and learn, creative ideas, alternatives for students. Not to mention the fact that most students these days are drawn to technology anyway. Motivation then plays a part in the education. My position? Education should be valued for everyone and not just as a social behavior system. Knowledge is important whether we like to admit it or not.
 The final point that caught my attention here was that we are suffering from an information glut. My position? Agree wholeheartedly! Oh, and school is way to competitive, too stressful, and many kids fall between the cracks. Schools do the best they can but the needs are to varied and too many. Again, technology could be a help here by providing the options some students may need. Eventually however, we each need to make the decision about what’s important to us. Whether we utilize technology wisely or let it run our lives is up to us. This is a problem people have always faced I think – in this age it is just packaged as technology.

Beyond Technology Integration: The Case for Technology Transformation
Reigeluth and Joseph

A second article, much more pro technology and emphasizing the paradigm shift from "sorting" and categorizing students to a system that seems more student centered and individualized. The author talks about “…the ways technology can transform the way we teach" as opposed to supporting what is already done in the classroom.

Change is inevitable as is technology. I think much of the resistance to technology comes from the rate of change that we need to undergo in order to participate with technology. I am all about high tech gadgets BUT they are not second nature to me by any means. When I get a new phone or computer or even an update to a new system (Windows 11 for example) there is still a huge learning curve for me, even though I have been using the basic technology for years. I like this article because it challenges the current system and encourages thinking beyond what works right now to what will work better. It is however, a big paradigm shift and an idealistic idea that needs much development to be practical. Just the thought of a teacher having to teach several different concepts to several students at the same time is overwhelming. Kind of makes me think of what a one room school house might have been like with all ages attending at the same time…maybe there really is nothing new under the sun!

Obviously people are talking about technology, people are using technology, and people are avoiding technology. In my circle of life I know tech savvy people, "I use it because I have to" people, "I'm going to figure this out if it's the last thing I do" people, and people who don't have a computer at home. My parents don't have a cell phone and won't talk to me on my phone if I'm driving - even though I have the cool sync feature in my car so I can talk hands free. Bottom line for me is the change is coming. I hope the change agents can find a way to bring as many along as possible so the transition can be made to the benefit of education.